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Fried's Cat Shelter
Have a tour of the shelter through these pictures
Hans & Lucille Fried, our founders

Their ashes are interred inside the monument so they are always with their beloved kitties.
Outside Shots of our building

the office area

Some more of the office area, Boarding, and Senior Ward

Senior Ward, Gang, and Luke Bldg in the back

Almost the whole building in one shot

The end of the building which is the Nursery and Hospital

The Leukemia Building
Inside views of the shelter
This is Boarding. This section was named over 20 years ago, when the Fried's used to board cats. The name of the room just stuck. The bins in this area are 8' x 4' and ceiling height. Each bin has a window, and a shelf for them to lay on to look out the window.

This is our Senior Ward. This room is about the size of a living room with large windows, a long window ledge running along two walls, a shelving unit, plastic "love seat", and a bed for lounging on.

This is Gang. It is about the size of two very large living rooms in one room. It is right next Senior Ward (in the first picture, the far back wall is the wall to Senior Ward). At one time, the senior ward and Gang were all one room. Also, here are pictures of Gang Bins and Gang Juvie. The Gang Bins are across from Gang. They used to be four regular bins, but we remodeled and and created two larger and brighter bins. Gang Juvie is next to the far side of Gang (in the fourth picture the little section that dips in by the litter boxes are two of the walls to Juvie). It, also, once used to be a part of Gang like the Senior Ward.

The next part of your pictorial tour is Hospital. It is named this because of our treatment area in this section. Hospital consists of four sections. The main area consists of two big bins, and four regular sized bins. Hospital Side is a little side room with two bins. Treatment and Lower are the only two areas with stainless steal cages due to cats that need to be isolated while they are sick and on medications, or are new cats that haven't been vet checked prior to coming into the shelter. Those cats are isolated til they can be spay/neutered, tested for FeLV/FIV, and given their shots. Then they are introduced into the general population.

And the last section in the main building is our nursery. It consists of six regular sized bins, and two large bins.

Now on to the Luke Building. There are two sections to this building; Lower and Upper. Lower consists of six regular sized bins and two large bins and house our intestinally challenged kitties. Upper (take one step up to enter this section) consists of six bins and two rooms a little smaller then our Senior Ward. The bins hold the leukemia and FIP kitties. The two rooms house the FIV kitties.

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